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保有純粹創作的快樂!從 ILM 數位藝術家轉職成專業木匠之路

在映CG 43 期《斜槓進行式: 成為後疫情時代人才》雜誌中,Yoann Gueret 從一名 ILM 數位藝術家,轉職為學校的行政人員,並以這份工作支持著他做木工的熱忱,如此巨大的職涯轉換,背後的故事到底是什麼?讓我們一起來看看!

Yoann Gueret

前角色特效指導 / 學校的行政人員 / 木匠
來自法國,從小因為喜歡漫畫、卡通電影,因而選擇走向 CG 美術的學習道路。畢業後曾在比利時和新加坡的特效公司擔任角色特效指導。後來也加入 ILM 參與電影製作。目前則完全離開 CG 產業,擔任學校行政人員,並利用周末時間,持續精進木工技能。

Yoann 過往曾製作過 4 部動畫電影,像是《魔法之家》、《魯濱遜漂流記 (The Wild Life)》等,在 ILM 時,則參與了《長城》的特效製作。主要負責布料、毛髮、肌肉等動態模擬,但因為一些緣故,讓他毅然決然離開 CG 產業,投身到其它完全不同的領域。

Yoann Gueret had been involved in 4 cartoons movies(The house of magic, Robinson Crusoe...) and one feature film (the great wall). At ILM I've been in charge of cloth, hair, flesh and dynamic simulation in shot. He also worked on the making of a rag doll rig, creating and automating the asset through python scripts.


離開的答案並不是那麼容易回答,這是一個比較個人的決定,但對其它人來說可能並非如此。我發現自己對這個產業愈來愈感到失望,當電影導演對作品沒有清晰的輪廓時,會導致許多投入的工作和資源,都浪費在無意義的背景運算,或無數次的重新來過。但不要誤會,我並非責怪某些特定的人,很多時候這個問題是來自專案本身。 我看到許多電影為了要取悅多數的觀眾,達到最具「經濟效益」的結果而曲解變形,這也是為何現今多數的電影更加枯燥乏味而沒有真正的「情緒」。到最後我不再是一個製作電影的藝術家,變成一個按按鈕、移動螢幕裡物件,產出上百 GB 資料的技術人員。


what makes you decide to leave the movie industry

Ha! THE question, the answer is not easy and what is true for me maybe irrelevante for others so that's all very personnel and I will never try to convince anyone it's the truth. I found myself being quite disappointed by the industry, a lot of the works and resources are wasted in meaningless background simulation or endless retake just because there is not a clear goal of what the director want for the movie, but don't get me wrong I don't blame a personnel in particular I felt that most of the time the problem came from the project itself.

I found that a lot of movies are twisted and deformed so they can please the largest audience and therefore make the best economic benefits and in my opinion that's one of the reason why we end up with tasteless movies with no real temper. So in the end I was no longer an artiste working in cinema but just a technician pushing buttons and moving stuff on a screen generating gigas of data for projects that I didn't believe in. So when I came to that conclusion I was quite depressed, but after all no one lie to me about the cinema industry, I, was mistaken so I move on and quite. I will consider woodworking as a long time career as long as I can pick the projects I want, doing them the way I want, with no other goal than the best quality I can achieve regardless of the time involved, but that also why I need another job.


在我辭職之前我已經計劃 2、3 年了,這也許是我做過最困難的決定。對於離開 CG 後要做什麼並沒有太多規劃,只是要確定在我離開之前,是否真的盡全力試過所有最好的辦法,我考慮過換部門、公司、國家,或是在專案過後放個長假…但最後,離開 CG 產業對我來說還是邏輯上最合理的選項。

So it's a sudden decision or you've planned for a while?

I planned it for a while it took me 2 or 3 years before I quite. Maybe one of the hardest decision I had to take. The planning was not so much for the after CG, but more that I wanted to be sure that I try my best before leaving, I considered changing department, changing company, country, try feature movie over cartoon movie, take a long break between project… but in the end leaving was the only logical thing to do for me.


我先從網路和書本開始學習,這也讓我的公寓積滿了木屑。在辭掉ILM的工作後,我花了 8 個月的時間投入學習,並跟著專業木匠進行幾次的短期實習。現在我住的地方有一小間地下室作為工作室,在那裡持續學習精進。在 CG 和木作的領域裡,在看到最終成果出現在眼前是最令人滿足的。但與 CG 不同的是,我可以真實感受到木作的觸感、味道,一切都非常真實,不是只出現在螢幕上而已。儘管如此,有時候還是很懷念 Ctrl-Z 的功能…

How did you learn the carpentry skills, and what satisfy you the most when doing woodworks?

I started with internet and books, putting wood dust and shaving all over my flat, when I quit CG I get into a proper 8 month formation and a couple of short internships with professional woodworkers. Now I'm living in the countryside I have small basement that I turn into a workshop where I keep learning and trying new stuff pushing myself out of my comfort zone. One of the most satisfying thing, like in CG, is when you see the end product, after spending a long time the project is finally done and it look like what you had in mind. Also what I like, and it was on of the thing I miss in CG, is that you can touch feel and smell your work, it is here with peoples leaving and ageing with them, it's all very real and not just one a screen, although I miss CTRL-Z sometimes.

© Yoann_Gueret

你在 CG 產業所學到的經驗知識,對你目前的工作有什麼幫助嗎?

當然,在木作時,3D 建模對於幫助客戶在選擇上是很棒的工具,對我在建造時也是很有幫助的。CG 製作養成了我解決問題的能力,不論對於我做哪件事情都是很有用的。另外,如果不是因為 CG 的話,我大概不會有機會居住在亞洲國家,也不會遇見許多很棒的人。我也是在那裡看到、體驗到全世界最棒的木製作品的地方,不論是一件簡單的傢俱,或是他們建造房屋的方式。即我現在已經不在 CG 產業,但我永遠會對當時「CG 人生」所學習、遇見的人心存感謝!

Any knowledge or experiences you learned in CG helps you in current work, even carpentry?

Sure, for woodworking using 3D model to help the clients choosing is a great tool, also for me during the construction. CG develop my problem solving ability a great deal and that is a very useful thing I believe regardless of the work I'm doing.

Also if that was not for CG I will probably never had the chance to live in asia where I meet awesome people and where I sow and experienced one of the best woodworking in the world whether it's in a simple piece of furniture or in the way the house is build. Although I stop I will always be graceful for all the things I learned and the people I meet during my "CG life".

© Yoann_Gueret



For people who try to gain a second skill, how would you suggest they take the first step?

My advice would be to dive into it, it doesn't matter if it's sculpting, painting, CG, coding, woodworking or whatever, look on-line, in books, talk with people a lot. As long as you get your hands dirty on a keyboard or with tools it will work eventually. Sometimes you may feel discouraged but hang on it and don't forget mistakes are the most educative things.



本期雜誌以「IN BETWEEN NOW AND THE FUTURE」為主題,邀請了三組創作團隊,分享他們如何運用最新的數位內容製作技術,克服挑戰,實現願景的幕後故事。
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